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Monday, May 17, 2004
- "When I get out of this, never again will I curse the sun."

I don't write well in Chinese.
Neither do I write well in the cold.
However, today I was subjecting to do both in the freezing abyss I've come to know as our school's "Theaterette". I guess it should have expected such a place to exist in the grim monolith of Catholic High. How else will they preserve the bodies?

I have this annoying tendency to insist on closing all the doors in air conditioned rooms- you know, to keep the cold air in. The same applied when I first entered the theaterette. I left the door behind me ajar, and unwittingly took my seat at the back of the theaterette. Throughout the beginning of the Chinese lecture, I was constantly annoyed by the open door, and prayed that it would be closed sooner of later.

Unfortunately, it did.

I regretted wanting the door closed through the next few hours. The cold was unnoticable as first, slowly creeping and smothering us like blanco smothers wrong words. A thick layer that would soon harden, causing the word beneath to be trapped. Soon one by one, after seconds of falsely-assured comfort, we started succumbing to the sub-zero glaciation of that God forsaken refridgerator.
I guess its a bit hard to understand the torment we were in, so let me try to paint a clear picture, though im very sure it would be fogged up by the very mention of that arctic coffin.

Usually, we write words by moving our wrists right? Well, then, we couldnt feel out wrists. Or our hands for that matter. The only way we were sure they were still there was either by sight, or (after the extreme frigidity started causing hallucinations) by furiously slamming them against the wooden wall. Not too hard though, for fear that our hands would crack like after how T-1000 did when he was splashed by liquid-nitrogen. But we don't form back, and the bruises remain.
So we didn't move our wrists to write. We moved our whole arms. Yup, hand writing in the room hit an all time low. It was then did i start to hate the tiny one-by-one boxes of chinese composition paper. i couldn't even blanco properly. Sometimes i whited-out words which i wrote correctly. This meant that i had to invest gruelling effort to write it well again. Combined with the barrage of uncontrollable shivers i recieved on random occasions, this usually took about a minute.
My hands were so numb that I didnt notice even if the pen came loose by accident, causing it to sway here are there on the paper like a hard-tipped brush. However, this did save me the hassle of prying them off when I needed to switch to using blanco instead. I.e, all the time.

Also, after a while my hands started to turn blue. This was disturbing at first, but after the sane part of my brain became raw (You know, when i was afraid licking my pen would cause my tongue to stick to it), I was actually amused by how it matched the colour of my pen ink.

But all this was no match for what happened after the lecture. Dashing out of the theaterette to the nearby canteen like a madman free from his assylum (straight jacket still well attached), i was bumped by a fellow student, and a cube of ice from his finished beverage hit me on the arm. I stared at it as it slid off. It felt warm.


All in all, a fun time i was definitely undeserving of. Tomorrow i will be once again subjected to that locus of algidity, and this time i will bring thick gloves.
"Wont it be hard to write in those things?" you ask?


No way.

Sunday, May 16, 2004
- And now for something completely different

Pure, Solid Gold

Just gotta love history.

Friday, May 14, 2004
- Life does not suck, Shit does not happen

Looking back at this blog it seems like i've gone goth, complaining about life before singing cure songs to myself, then cutting my wrist and drowning myself with my blood. But this place strives to be the total opposite of "WHY YOU WHINEY LIL..."

You see, usually most people do not find things that i find funny, funny. What i do here is make every day seem like a joke. A sitcom.
Laugh. Does that sound so angsty to you?
I've just got a different sense of humour. This site is not sad at all. I will not pollute this place with constant "Sigh. Why is it this way"s
And i know this is a complain in itself

Well, serious tone aside, yesterday Kai tried to squeeze some marks out his paper like the rest of us. That meant he had to see Serene Seah. We all bid him a safe journey home.
So did Kai evetually get his marks? Well, one. That was all. Despite the fact he could have got many more.
In comprehesion there's a vocabulary section where you write the given words synonym. Kai, thesaurus by his side, said to Serene Seah
"ha! look! You marked my answer for 'Vogue' wrong!"
His answer to "Vogue" was craze. He brandished his thesaurus and pointed to a single word under "Craze" - Vogue
Serene Seah looked thoughtful, then confused for a moment.
"But vogue may not be craze!" She stuttered
You know those times in cartoons and movies where a sort of silence follows with crickets chirping in the background after a character says something stupid? like "Oh i dumped it in the drain" or "You wanted me to kill him?"
Yea. Now was one of those times.

What i really want to know is, does she actually think up this crap, or is it truly completely random?

Anyway, the new Half Life 2 trailer is out, and i'd like to comment that it's ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR. No. This is not sarcasm. The tester shot his car back up a cliff (it was hanging), and then in another scene he shot his car to flip it over, crushing the man behind it. When a guy gets hit by a rocket, he doesnt just die. He flies. Through the sky. Hands outstreched, spiralling. Like an acrobat.
Its amazing. Pure, total freedom. Thats what the game is. You can do anything you want anyway you want, AS long as you get the objective done.

I also saw Counter Stike Source (Not CS.CZ) in aztec. It uses Half life 2's engine. Again, stunning. One scene shows counter-terrorists, at the top of a bridge, spraying bullets down to the fleeing terrorists below. The bullets splash the water, and one poor terrorists, blinded by a curtain of splashes, fell to his death. his blood mixed with the water, and later you see red-tinted splashes.

I think i'm in love with this game.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
- 4S is not a subset of Human

As some of you know, recently our English comprehensions were returned to us. More than 90% failed. This onslaught was caused by the marker, Serene Seah, who's name i dare mention only because i have masochistic tendencies. If you have any sort of human compassion however, i suggest you not try it, lest your fingers start shrivelling up before your eyes, more defiled than a dettol box in a septic tank.
She is, by the way, 1% idiocy and 99% STD.
Apparently those who did not have the same answers as her were wrong. Theoratically this means that those who passed also pass in thinking as she does. Thus, they are faggots.
Of course, i tried to save myself some marks by finding for faults in her marking. Yes, technically that meant all, but I picked only the most obvious just in case.
However it was a futile attempt. Everything was futile.
I travelled downstairs to her table and met with her, quietly doing my best to avert my eyes, while asking her why i didn't get marks for this/that question.
At that point she gave my paper a look, one which i could only translate at "too long, didn't read".
"Well as i wrote there your answer is v-va-Vah-gew"
"Vague, Ms Seah"
"Ya dont correct me. Your Answer is vague"
"But I beg to differ!" I begged, differing, "I wrote five lines worth of explanation, giving analogies and various examples! All your points are inside if you bothered to look"
"Is that so...?" She said (probably killing a few innocent calves doing so). She snatched up my paper and read it, eyes furrowed, like how a mental retard would look when learning sex education. After reaching the last sentence, (her lips finally shaping the words "fuh-fuh-full si-si-stop-pah"), she handed returned me the paper, panting.
"Well then. It's excess denies."
At the moment my right arm grabbed the pencil box in my left arm and started tugging furiously, in hopes of finding an inkless pen to gut her with. However, my mind, still in a disgusted whir, forgot how to use zippers then. It was a good 4 seconds of caveman-like cynicism, and thankfully she asked me what i was doing before i started trying to biting my pencil box.
You see, my mouth automatically formed the word "ASSHOLE!" in reply, and in doing so my body seemed to regain stability. The same way you only start paying attention in BINGO when your neighbour shouts "BINGO!!!".
"What did you call me?!" She shrieked, apparently incredulous.
"S-O. I said S-O-B." I replied, poker faced.
"Oh. Well, you may go." she said, more confused than angry

I walked out of that room, triumphant from that battle.
But i lost the war. My marks were left unchanged.

What can i say. "WE FOUND A WITCH! BURN 'ER! BURN 'ER!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
- Ineffective Ego Rubbing

Today i was handed an awkward assignment. Not one i was supposed to do, but it was all in the name of "friendship". As you may not know, Our class was trying to raise money for the school.
Naturally, a proposal letter was to be written to (guess what?)propose to an ice-cream distributor his sponsorship, so that we could sell his hard earned products at our own benefit.
Naturally, the job to write this letter on behalf of our teacher was Ricky. Ricky, Honkee blood pumping in his veins, came to me for help.
Naturally, i did the whole thing for him.
Though i dont think it turned out quite as he planned.


To a most inspiring, benevolent, generous and understanding Mr. David Lim

Greeting, my name is Alice Long. Currently i am a teacher in the infamous Catholic High School. Recently (as you may know, being the well informed gentleman you are), the school has run into a number of economic knockbacks. As such, my class' pupils and I have decided to embark on an endouvour to raise money to help the school. We concluded selling ice cream was by far the most effective way to earn massive amounts of money, enough to send our school to prosperity. I'm sure you know this yourself, seeing the prestigious (and may i mention, hard to get) position you are in now. We will sell ice cream on our school sports day to schoolmates and passerbys.

As you may have guessed so far (knowing your remarkable intelligence), we seek your sponsorship for the ice creams we wish to sell. We have selected you, as we know you are by far the most understanding and helpful ice cream distributor. We hope you will support us in our mission to help our school. Please do not consider yourself unfortunate, but instead lucky, to have an opportunity to display the innate generosity in your most blessed soul to the public.

Thank you.

Ps: Not sarcasm, but instead exaggerated sincerity.
Pps: I know where you live.


I dont really know, but threats add flavour. Everyone knows that. And if you disagree i'll kill you.

And now I've got an essay to work out. "Carpe Diem", it's supposed to be titled. For those who have no idea what that means, or doubt that i do (unsurprising), it means "live for the day/moment." It's Taking everyday as your last and thus fulfilling all you want to do.
Simply put: Sucking the marrow out of life.
Now what else could i write about that besides that it gives morbid translations of life.
Thanks to it I'm now a second... 2 seconds... 3 seconds to death.
Yup. Carpe Diem alright. Live for the moment.

Or die trying.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004
- Beware: Personal ranting ahead

I had originally planned to move everything back to chaos.co.nr. it all works. Or worked. My old webpage did at least, but i thought blogger's would be tidier... so i tried that ftp thing.
It didn't work. And now im stuck with an Error 403. I'm forbidden access from my own webpage.
Now i'm sure i did something wrong here. I just hope i'll be able to change everything back to where it was. Free web hosting is hard to come by, and i sure as hell aint using it properly.
For those who'd like to insult me for my incredibly spastic actions, leave a gash at the gate of my door. I'll count the new ones daily, then shout "DUMBASS" at the mirror while repeatedly stabbing my left shoulder with a paperclip. Please note that i'll do this only till my box of paperclips have been exhausted. That should be about a day.

There are other stuff, sure, but when i look back at this page one day i'd like to chuckle and shake my head and go "ah.. yea those were the days", and not burst out in gigantic tears before flinging myself in the nearest furnace. so i'll be brief: Halo, Slack, measly 73.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Warning- No direction

It may seem like I finally hopped on the bandwagon and joined the blogging endevours of all people near my age (i.e, 9-90).

However, you're all partially mistaken. A blog would be cool sometimes, yes - not as a "all about me page" but as a dump. A place to put my thoughts. you see, everyday tons of crap fill my life, crap i could easily devulge into this place as steaming, unwanted masses. I've got too many thoughts i hardly write down, before they flee in terror of being part of my sentences (i.e, wailing pits of despair). Thoughts that range from trivial matters like how i feel Spongebob should have been made more porous, to the unlimited amounts of stupidity floating around the earth.

About the latter: It's in the air we breathe, the sites we see, and the cars we'd like to break. Retarded presents, unfortunate happenings, lousy advertisments, and downright moronic websites; It's a fight against idiocy, in my irreverant, sardonic way.

That isnt to say all my thoughts are sarcastic comments. Of course, this is still a blog. Ying and Yang must still balance. There will be some trivial stuff and self indulgence.

I guess im overrating myself. No one may even be reading this right now. Except me, which suits me fine. I'm sure most of you are still sane, in which case you find most of what i find amusing not only unfunny but disturbing.
In which case; Laugh your ass off, Casey Jones. And welcome to my nightmare.